For sine wave, triangle wave, and square wave, the good performance of current output is proved by experiments. 经过实验验证,对于正弦波、三角波和方波,负载输出电流波形跟踪良好。
Though the efficiency can be enhanced when sine wave passes through non-linear loads, the sine wave distortion appears, and then harmonic current passes through loads. 虽然效率可以提高,当正弦波通过非线形载荷,正弦波失真出现,然后谐波电流通过负载。
Research and Implementation on Low-frequency Sine Wave Current Source for Testing 测试用低频正弦电流源的研究与制作
In this paper, the weld pool is excited by pulsating welding current which is produced by superimposing a certain frequency sine wave current on the straight polarity DC current, and the oscillating signals of weld pool can be detected through arc voltage signals in travelling TIG welding. 本文在恒定直流之上叠加定频率正弦波电流做为脉冲焊接电流激振熔池,在连续行走焊接时,通过电弧电压检测熔池振荡即熔池尺寸。
The effective value, average value and peak value of alternating large current are measured respectively by means of this meter. The current measured, whose range is from ten to thousands ampere, may be sine wave or non sine wave alternating current. 设计了可分别测出大额交变电流有效值、平均值和峰值的仪表,被测电流可为正弦或非正弦,测量范围为十至一千安培。
The system can generate appointed sine voltage signal and current signal including the fundamental wave and harmonious wave. The magnitude of the voltage signal and current signal both can be adjusted continuously, and the precision is 0.2%. 该系统能产生指定的正弦电压信号和含基波与谐波分量的电流信号,其中电压、电流信号的幅值均连续可调,精度为0.2%;
The meter measures bar to bar resistance and bar to bar insulation easily by the method of inputting a small constant current and basic sine wave signal to the direct current motor armature windings. 该测试仪采用恒流小电流以及基准正弦波信号输入直流电机电枢绕组的方法,对各种直流电机电枢绕组片间电阻以及片间绝缘进行便捷测量。
However, matrix converter has a lot of the advantages, such as AC-AC a time converting, no big filter capacitor, sine wave of input phase current and output phase voltage and so on, it is used in AC speed regulating system. 而矩阵变换器属交-交一次性变换、无中间滤波电容、能够产生正弦的输入电流和输出电压等优点,故将矩阵变换器用于交流调速系统中进行研究。
This paper analyse the character of sine wave, inrush current and short-circuit current after wavelet transformer in detail. Based on this, it is concluded that criterion of identification inrush current in this paper. 在二进小波变换模极大理论基础上,详尽的分析了标准正弦波、励磁涌流及短路电流小波变换后的波形特点,并归纳出了识别变压器励磁涌流的判据。
The second part is to design the sine wave networks circuits which is composed of sinusoidal current source array and switches, current to voltage converter ( I-V converter), two staged LPF, etc. 二是正弦波网络:主要包括正弦量化的电流源整列和开关网络,电流电压转换器,二阶低通滤波器;
In the paper, the principle of stepping motor and subdivided driving are analyzed firstly. Sine/ cosine wave is confirmed as suitable current wave for subdivided driving. 本文首先分析了步进电动机及微步驱动的原理,确定适合微步驱动的电流波形为正余弦波。
Imaging the voltage of electrified wire netting is sine wave, this article gives two basic principles of on-line detecting reactive current and harmonic current: ( 1) The difference of active current from load current current is reactive current and harmonic current; 在电网电压为正弦波的前提下,该文提出了在线检测基波无功电流和谐波电流的2条基本原理:①负载电流减去基波有功电流,剩下的就是基波无功电流和谐波电流之和;
Comparative Research on Sine Wave Inverters with Inductor Current and Capacitor Current Regulation 逆变器电容和电感电流反馈方式的比较研究
High modulation ratio of voltage and sine wave of current were finally obtained by the simulation via Matlab/ Simulink. 通过Matlab/Simulink进行计算机仿真,得到较高的电压调制比和良好的电流波形。
At the same time the lamp current is keeps a perfect sine wave, which means low lamp current crest factor is achieved. Frequency modulation with power control is implemented. T型滤波器可以实现很窄频率范围的深度调光,同时实现低的灯电流波峰因数,保持灯电流呈完美的正弦波。
Multiple standard image signals such as sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, linear wave and direct current can be produced. 可生成正弦波、方波、三角波、线性波及直流等多种标准图像信号。
High resolving power rotor position estimated method based on "Hall" signal and torque compensation methods based on advanced angle control sine wave current drive techniques could reduce noise clearly. 利用基于霍尔信号的高分辨率转子位置推测法及基于超前角控制的转矩补偿法正弦波低噪音驱动新技术,可明显降低噪音。
Auto Half Sine-Wave Impulse Current Test System for Varistors 用于压敏电阻的半波冲击电流自动测试系统
Principle of Generating Sine Wave Current with Power Transistors Switching 利用电力晶体管开关产生正弦电流波的原理
The long-period variational trend is slowly increasing of NS and NW components, while the EW component shows a sine wave variation with a period of 12 years long time variational current NS and NW was tardily up, the variety of EW showed sine wave. 其长期变化趋势为NS、NW向缓慢斜向上变化,EW向有一近12年正弦波形变化。
The sine wave current was output by the PMSM sensorless vector control technology. So the control of permanent magnet synchronous motor was completed. 并通过空间矢量变频调速技术,输出正弦波电流,完成对永磁同步电机的控制。
This paper derives the relationship between the storage capacitance and the bus ripple voltage, when the LED is driven by the bias of the sine wave current and PWM current. 本文详细推导了输出驱动电流为两种脉动电流(有偏置的正弦波叠加形式和PWM方波形式)的情况下,储能电容容值和储能电容电压纹波大小的关系。
Some specific conclusions from this work are drawn as follows: 1.Typical waveforms of discharge voltage for dielectric barrier discharge plasma was a sine wave, and the typical waveform of discharge current was a form of superimposed pulse on a sine wave. 2. 主要得到以下结论:1、介质阻挡放电等离子体的放电电压波形为正弦波,而放电电流的波形为正弦波上叠加脉冲的形式。2、在低温等离子体协同作用条件下,不同催化剂显示出了较大的差别。
In the input enter the square wave, sine wave, triangle wave signal excitation, feed-side to collect different fault information, in particular the input sine wave excitation, and its most obvious fault features can be more easily collected current fault information. 输入端分别输入方波、正弦波、三角波等信号激励,馈电端能采集到不同的故障信息,特别是输入正弦波激励,其故障特征最为明显,能更容易采集到电流故障信息。
Three-phase sine wave wave signal can be symmetrical three-phase alternating current after power amplifying. 三相正弦波信号经功率放大器放大后成为对称三相交流电。
A low-frequency sine wave current source is widely used in fields of grounding grid fault diagnosis, communication, radar, etc. The source has many characteristics of higher output precision, stable frequency and low total harmonic distortion ( THD). 低频正弦电流源广泛应用于接地网故障诊断、通信、雷达等领域。测试用激励源具有精度高、频率稳定、失真度小的特点。